French food in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Restaurant les Artistes (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Complex La Plage Route du Golf, Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo

La Brioche (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
75, Chaussee Laurent-Desire-Kabila, Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo

Chez Gaby (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Av. Mongala 9 B Standard Bank, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Chez Philo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Near Boulvard 31 Juin, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Le Cercle Gourmand (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Cercle de Kinshasa 414 Avenue du Cercle / Gombe, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Eric Kayser - Centre Ville (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
208, Avenue de l'Equateur Croisement Avenue de la Paix, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Le Caf Conc (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
13 avenue de la Nation Kinshasa-Gombe, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Patisserie Nouvelle (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
343 Avenue de l'Equateur Gombe, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

ASK Tabuinhas (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Avenue de La paix n1 / Comune de Ngaliema Association Sportive Kinoise, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

The River Restaurant (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
4751/c, Avenue de la Gombe, Kinshasa 00243 Democratic Republic of the Congo

Restaurant de l'Hotel Royal (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
3 Avenue Kitona Prés de l'immeuble SABENA SN Brussels - Gombe, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Muzik Cafe (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
70B Blvd 30th Juin, En face de L' INSS Gombe, Kinshasa 00001 Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nediva Cafe (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
64, av. de la Justice, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

La Brasserie (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
5D Avenue de la Republique du Tchad, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Quick Poulet Chez Beki (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
25 Avenue des forces Armees, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Le Balcon (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
87, Avenue Colonel Mondjiba Complexe Hasson, Kintambo Magasin, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Le Cafe Mozart (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
2, Avenue des Citronniers En face de l'Institut supérieur de commerce, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fondue et Fondue (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Avenue Colonel Lukusa, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Chez bibi kintambo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Kinshasa.kintambo magasin, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fondue & fondue (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
707 avenue Colonel Lukusa, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Other Places