Murren, Canton of Bern

Murren is a city in Canton of Bern, Switzerland.

007 Walk of fame - Schilthorn (+41 33 826 00 07)
Schilthorn summit, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Murren 3825 Switzerland

Alpinehikers (1-928-778-0345)
Murren Switzerland

Alpines Sportzentrum Murren (+41 33 856 86 86)
Hohematte, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Bliemlichaller Disco (+41 33 855 18 26)
Dorfstrasse 5 Hotel Blumental, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Schilthorn (+41 33 826 00 07)
Hoeheweg 2, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Thrill Walk Felsensteg Birg (+41 33 826 00 07)
3825 Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland Birg, Murren 3824 Switzerland

Via Ferrata (+41 33 856 86 86)
Nidrimatti Behind Sportchalet, Murren Switzerland

Restaurants in Murren

Panoramic Restaurant Alpina (+41 33 855 13 61)
Rauft 1068 3825 Mürren, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Cafe LIV (+41 76 123 56 79)
Im Ussren Dorf 1060a, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Restaurant Suppenalp (+41 33 855 17 26)
Blumenthal, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Staeger Stuebli (+41 33 855 13 16)
Auf den Platten 1039C, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Tham Chinese Restaurant (+41 33 856 01 10)
CH-3825 Mürren, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Hugs & Cups (+41 33 856 86 95)
Sport Centre Murren, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Murren 3825 Switzerland

Eiger Guesthouse Restaurant (+41 33 856 54 60)
Aegerten 1079C gegenüber der BLM / opposite of the train station, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Panorama Restaurant Allmendhubel (+41 33 855 25 12)
Allmihubel 925A Pascal Ramponi, Murren 3825 Switzerland

Hotel Bellevue (+41 33 855 14 01)
Lus 1050A 3825 Murren, Murren 3825 Switzerland