The latitude of Rambla de Catalunya is 41.38536, and the longitude is 2.17042. Rambla de Catalunya is located in Barcelona, Spain with the gps coordinates of 41° 23' 7.296" N and 2° 10' 13.512" E.
The time zone of the place is Europe/Madrid. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
Points of Interest & Landmarks
Latitude |
41.38536 |
Longitude |
2.17042 |
Postal code |
DMS Lat |
41° 23' 7.296" N |
DMS Lng |
2° 10' 13.512" E |
sp3e3murnqq2w |
UTM Zone |
31T |
UTM(E) |
430638.6791516385 |
UTM(N) |
4581869.099196775 |
Time zone |
Europe/Madrid |
Country |
Spain |
Province |
Catalonia |