Kameiwa Cave

1954-17 Sasa, Kimitsu 292-0526 Chiba Prefecture

Kameiwa Cave is a Caverns & Caves, Lookouts place is located in Kimitsu, Kanto. The address of Kameiwa Cave is 1954-17 Sasa, Kimitsu 292-0526 Chiba Prefecture. If you want to go to the place or need any services, you can contact them directly. The phone number is +81 439-56-1325, or open their website to view relevant information, The url is http://www.kiminavi.jp/detail/index_38.html

Caverns & Caves, Lookouts

1954-17 Sasa, Kimitsu 292-0526 Chiba Prefecture

Get Direction

Latitude: 35° 11' 18.024" N
Longitude: 140° 03' 38.88" E

Time zone: Asia/Tokyo


+81 439-56-1325


The latitude of Kameiwa Cave is 35.18834, and the longitude is 140.0608. Kameiwa Cave is located in Kimitsu, Japan with the gps coordinates of 35° 11' 18.024" N and 140° 03' 38.88" E.

The time zone of the place is Asia/Tokyo. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Caverns & Caves, Lookouts

Latitude 35.18834 Longitude 140.0608
Postal code 292-0526 DMS Lat 35° 11' 18.024" N
DMS Lng 140° 03' 38.88" E GeoHASH xn785jv4vnjbr
UTM Zone 54S UTM(E) 414491.9873221046
UTM(N) 3894333.4648904414 Time zone Asia/Tokyo
Country Japan Province Kanto
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