Church of Condemnation and Flagellation.

Via Dolorosa, near St Stephen's Gate, Jerusalem Israel

Church of Condemnation and Flagellation. is a Sacred & Religious Sites place is located in Jerusalem, Jerusalem District. The address of Church of Condemnation and Flagellation. is Via Dolorosa, near St Stephen's Gate, Jerusalem Israel. If you want to go to the place or need any services, you can contact them directly. The phone number is +972 2-628-2936,

Sacred & Religious Sites

Via Dolorosa, near St Stephen's Gate, Jerusalem Israel

Get Direction

Latitude: 31° 46' 46.02" N
Longitude: 35° 13' 54.552" E

Time zone: Asia/Jerusalem


+972 2-628-2936

The latitude of Church of Condemnation and Flagellation. is 31.77945, and the longitude is 35.23182. Church of Condemnation and Flagellation. is located in Jerusalem, Israel with the gps coordinates of 31° 46' 46.02" N and 35° 13' 54.552" E.

The time zone of the place is Asia/Jerusalem. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Sacred & Religious Sites

Latitude 31.77945 Longitude 35.23182
Postal code DMS Lat 31° 46' 46.02" N
DMS Lng 35° 13' 54.552" E GeoHASH sv9hc9r08yv56
UTM Zone 36R UTM(E) 711334.3556202298
UTM(N) 3518158.193668656 Time zone Asia/Jerusalem
Country Israel Province Jerusalem District
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