XianDai TongXin GeZhanShi ZhongXin

Shungxi West Road, Jinhua China

XianDai TongXin GeZhanShi ZhongXin is a Specialty Museums place is located in Jinhua, Zhejiang. The address of XianDai TongXin GeZhanShi ZhongXin is Shungxi West Road, Jinhua China. If you want to go to the place or need any services, you can contact them directly. The phone number is +86 579 8282 8888,

The latitude of XianDai TongXin GeZhanShi ZhongXin is 29.091803, and the longitude is 119.65366. XianDai TongXin GeZhanShi ZhongXin is located in Jinhua, China with the gps coordinates of 29° 05' 30.4908" N and 119° 39' 13.176" E.

The time zone of the place is Asia/Shanghai. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Specialty Museums

Latitude 29.091803 Longitude 119.65366
Postal code none DMS Lat 29° 05' 30.4908" N
DMS Lng 119° 39' 13.176" E GeoHASH wtjjdb10h35s8
UTM Zone 50R UTM(E) 758286.6272786045
UTM(N) 3221066.163516347 Time zone Asia/Shanghai
Country China Province Zhejiang
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