Tradruk Temple is a Sacred & Religious Sites place is located in Nedong County, Tibet. The address of Tradruk Temple is Naidong Rd, Nedong County 856100 China.
Naidong Rd, Nedong County 856100 China
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Latitude: 29° 11' 25.9512" NLongitude: 91° 46' 22.62" E
Time zone: Asia/Urumqi
The latitude of Tradruk Temple is 29.190542, and the longitude is 91.77295. Tradruk Temple is located in Nedong County, China with the gps coordinates of 29° 11' 25.9512" N and 91° 46' 22.62" E.
The time zone of the place is Asia/Urumqi. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
Sacred & Religious Sites