Saint Stanislaus Route

Start: Cathedral on Wawel Hill, Krakow Poland

Saint Stanislaus Route is a Hiking Trails place is located in Krakow, Southern Poland. The address of Saint Stanislaus Route is Start: Cathedral on Wawel Hill, Krakow Poland.

Hiking Trails

Start: Cathedral on Wawel Hill, Krakow Poland

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Latitude: 1° 00' 0.0" N
Longitude: 1° 00' 0.0" E

Time zone: Europe/Warsaw


The latitude of Saint Stanislaus Route is 1, and the longitude is 1. Saint Stanislaus Route is located in Krakow, Poland with the gps coordinates of 1° 00' 0.0" N and 1° 00' 0.0" E.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Warsaw. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Hiking Trails

Latitude 1 Longitude 1
Postal code none DMS Lat 1° 00' 0.0" N
DMS Lng 1° 00' 0.0" E GeoHASH s00twy01mtw03
UTM Zone 31N UTM(E) 277438.26352779754
UTM(N) 110597.9725227018 Time zone Europe/Warsaw
Country Poland Province Southern Poland
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