Casa Batllo

Passeig de Gracia, 43, 08007 Barcelona Spain

Casa Batllo is a Points of Interest & Landmarks, Monuments & Statues, Specialty Museums, Architectural Buildings, Historic Sites place is located in Barcelona, Catalonia. The address of Casa Batllo is Passeig de Gracia, 43, 08007 Barcelona Spain. If you want to go to the place or need any services, you can contact them directly. The phone number is +34 932 16 03 06, or open their website to view relevant information, The url is

Points of Interest & Landmarks, Monuments & Statues, Specialty Museums, Architectural Buildings, Historic Sites

Passeig de Gracia, 43, 08007 Barcelona Spain

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Latitude: 41° 23' 30.1632" N
Longitude: 2° 09' 53.3664" E

Time zone: Europe/Madrid


+34 932 16 03 06

The latitude of Casa Batllo is 41.391712, and the longitude is 2.164824. Casa Batllo is located in Barcelona, Spain with the gps coordinates of 41° 23' 30.1632" N and 2° 09' 53.3664" E.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Madrid. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Points of Interest & Landmarks, Monuments & Statues, Specialty Museums, Architectural Buildings, Historic Sites

Monday: 9:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 9:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 9:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 9:00 - 21:00
Friday: 9:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 9:00 - 21:00
Latitude 41.391712 Longitude 2.164824
Postal code 08007 DMS Lat 41° 23' 30.1632" N
DMS Lng 2° 09' 53.3664" E GeoHASH sp3e3r0khn3g8
UTM Zone 31T UTM(E) 430177.5891711849
UTM(N) 4582578.782935388 Time zone Europe/Madrid
Country Spain Province Catalonia
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