Blue Mosque

Sultanahmet Sultanahmet Mah, Istanbul 34122 Turkey

Blue Mosque is a Sacred & Religious Sites place is located in Istanbul, Istanbul. The address of Blue Mosque is Sultanahmet Sultanahmet Mah, Istanbul 34122 Turkey. If you want to go to the place or need any services, you can contact them directly. The phone number is +90 212 518 13 19, or open their website to view relevant information, The url is

Sacred & Religious Sites

Sultanahmet Sultanahmet Mah, Istanbul 34122 Turkey

Get Direction

Latitude: 41° 00' 19.5264" N
Longitude: 28° 58' 36.5592" E

Time zone: Europe/Istanbul


+90 212 518 13 19

The latitude of Blue Mosque is 41.005424, and the longitude is 28.976822. Blue Mosque is located in Istanbul, Turkey with the gps coordinates of 41° 00' 19.5264" N and 28° 58' 36.5592" E.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Istanbul. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Sacred & Religious Sites

Latitude 41.005424 Longitude 28.976822
Postal code 34122 DMS Lat 41° 00' 19.5264" N
DMS Lng 28° 58' 36.5592" E GeoHASH sxk972u3bvh9b
UTM Zone 35T UTM(E) 666244.7778299099
UTM(N) 4541241.292013346 Time zone Europe/Istanbul
Country Turkey Province Istanbul
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